Exodus Kodi Addon - Ghid de instalare și recenzie

Exodus Kodi Addon
Vrei să afli mai multe despre Exodus pentru Kodi? Probabil că citiți acest articol, deoarece ați auzit că Exodus este unul dintre cele mai populare addons din acest moment. E adevărat. Acest addon este capabil să vă extindă Kodi în moduri inimaginabile. Dacă vă interesează vizionarea de filme și emisiuni TV pe Kodi - atunci trebuie să încercați absolut Exodus Kodi Addon.
Disclaimer:  Vom vorbi despre software-ul dezvoltat pentru Kodi - care se bazează pe un cod open-source. Cu toate acestea, următorul software vine de la terțe părți neoficiale. În plus, este disponibil în mod public și gratuit. TechNadu nu își asumă nicio responsabilitate pentru modul în care cititorii noștri decid să utilizeze următorul software. Rețineți că nu acceptăm partajarea conținutului piratat și a încălcării drepturilor de autor. TechNadu nu este afiliat cu software-ul menționat în acest articol în nici un fel. Asigurați-vă că citiți cu atenție disclaimer-ul menționat mai sus și asigurați-vă utilizarea corectă a software-ului.
  • 1 AVERTISMENT: Înainte de a continua ...
  • 2 Exodus Kodi Addon: Elementele de bază
  • 3 Cum se instalează Exodus Kodi Addon?
    • 3.1 Cerință importantă
    • 3.2 Exodus Kodi Addon: Installation Guide
  • 4 Exodus Kodi Addon: What to Expect?
    • 4.1 Movies & TV Shows
    • 4.2 My Movies & My TV Shows
    • 4.3 New Movies & New Episodes
    • 4.4 Channels
    • 4.5 Tools & Search
  • 5 What’s Next: Additional Resources
  • 6 Conclusion

WARNING: Before You Continue…

TechNadu recommends connecting to the Web using a VPN application. The majority of Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are able of tracking your Web browsing habits and collecting information. This kind of personal data can be forwarded to government agencies or sold to marketing companies. One of the consequences of these actions can be copyright infringement notices that some users of Kodi reported receiving. The only way to stop this from happening is to use a VPN.
  • VPN applications encrypt your Internet connection. As such, your personal data stay hidden and inaccessible by your Internet Service Provider.
  • VPN applications guard your online anonymity. A number of websites often use cookies to track your browsing habits. By altering your IP address, VPNs preserve your anonymity no matter if you visit websites or use Kodi to stream media.
  • VPNs unlock restricted content. Using this kind of application, your computer will receive a new IP address that points to a completely different physical location. This is how you can watch region-restricted movies and TV shows.
  • VPNs can improve your Internet connectivity. A reliable VPN application can de-block throttled connections and achieve better overall performance.
Exodus Kodi Addon
Based on our experience, TechNadu would like to recommend IPVanish. This has been our VPN of choice for a long time, making us happy with its features and performance.
IPVanish is capable of keeping your connection highly secure. It can also be used to watch region-restricted movies and TV shows. Finally, this application doesn’t affect Internet connection speeds. On top of that, it’s very affordable.
We have a special deal for TechNadu readers. Sign up for IPVanish and try it out for yourself.

Exodus Kodi Addon: The Basics

Here at TechNadu, our editorial team is made of passionate Kodi users. This is why we’re always on the hunt for the next best addon. However, Exodus has always been one of our favorite addons for a very long time. It’s true that you can find numerous other fully-working addons, but this one never managed to disappoint us.
A certain shift happened several months ago when a developer in charge of Exodus announced that he had ended any support for this addon. This means that Exodus is a ‘free-floating’ addon at the moment – but it still manages to bring unparalleled performance. As always, problems happen here and there, but that’s nothing that our Exodus troubleshooting guide cannot solve.

How to Install the Exodus Kodi Addon?

Exodus can be currently found in a repository called Kodil. This is a very interesting repository that brings hundreds of addons for Kodi. So, make sure to explore it on your own and see what this repo has to offer.
Before installing the Exodus Kodi addon, make sure to read the following section very carefully. To install this addon, as well as any other third-party addon, you need to make sure that your Kodi supports installations from unknown sources.

Important Requirement

It is of vital importance to make sure that your Kodi supports third-party addons. This isn’t the case by default but can be easily changed using the application’s Settings.
  • Open Kodi and use the gear icon in the top-left corner;
  • Now click on ‘System Settings’;
Exodus Kodi Addon
  • Make sure to select ‘Add-ons’ in the left-positioned sidebar;
  • On the right side of the screen, click on ‘Unknown Sources’;
Exodus Kodi Addon
  • You will be presented with a warning message. Feel free to confirm your decision;
  • Double-check if a toggle next to ‘Unknown Sources’ if switched to ON.

Exodus Kodi Addon: Installation Guide

A few months ago, you were able to find Exodus across several different repositories. However, the latest official version of this addon is located in the Kodil Repository. We are going to show you to use that repository and get your hands on one of the most interesting Kodi addons.
First, we need to add a new file source to Kodi. This means that we’ll instruct Kodi to use an online directory and install the repository we need. Let’s begin.
  • Open Kodi and go to Settings. This is done by clicking on the gear icon in the top-left corner;
Exodus Kodi Addon
  • Now click on ‘File Manager’;
  • Next, double-click on ‘Add Source’ and you’ll see a new pop-up;
Exodus Kodi Addon
  • Using the pop-up, click on ‘<None>’ and you’ll be asked to enter a new URL;
  • Make sure to carefully paste the following URL: http://kdil.co/repo/;
Exodus Kodi Addon
  • You also need to name your new file source. Go with ‘Kdil’ and then ‘OK’ to dismiss the pop-up.
Exodus Kodi Addon
By now, we have added a new file source to Kodi. We’re now going to use that file source to install the Kodil Repository to Kodi.
  • Go back to Kodi’s home screen. From there, click on ‘Add-ons’ in the application’s main menu;
  • Now click the open box icon in the top-left corner;
Exodus Kodi Addon
  • Next, select ‘Install from ZIP File’;
  • Using a newly activated pop-up, open the ‘Kdil’ directory. Inside, you’ll see a couple of ZIP files. You need to click on the file named ‘kodil.zip’.
Exodus Kodi Addon
  • Wait for a notification that will let you know that the Kodil Repository is now active.
All there’s left now is to install the Exodus Kodi addon. Let’s finalize this procedure.
  • Return to Kodi’s home screen and click on ‘Add-ons’;
  • Next, click on the open box icon in the top-left corner;
Exodus Kodi Addon
  • Pick ‘Install from Repository’;
Exodus Kodi Addon
  • Now navigate to www.Kodisreal.co.il Repository > Video Add-ons > Exodus. Click on the addon’s name on this list;
Exodus Kodi Addon
  • Finally, hit the ‘Install’ button to finalize the procedure.
All done! You can go back to the Add-ons section of Kodi, which is where you can find the newly installed Exodus Kodi addon. Go ahead, launch it and try it out.

Exodus Kodi Addon: What to Expect?

So, what can you expect when it comes to the Exodus Kodi addon? The answer is – you can expect a huge library of movies and TV shows. This addon covers the latest Hollywood blockbusters, older classics, as well as non-English cinematography. No matter what kinds of movies and TV shows you like to watch, this is going to be your go-to place.
Exodus Kodi Addon

Movies & TV Shows

The first two categories you will see on Exodus’ home screen are Movies and TV shows. When you enter any of these two, you will see more than a dozen of different sub-folders. Thanks to these sub-folders, you can explore more specific types of content. For example, you can filter the available content by genres, year of release, popularity, as well as in other ways.
Exodus Kodi Addon
This is also where you will see a sub-category named Languages. Make sure to explore this section to find Bollywood movies, as well as other non-English content such as Chinese and Korean. You can also use the provided links to find other niche addons for Kodi.

My Movies & My TV Shows

If you have a Trakt.TV or IMDb account, you can integrate it with Exodus. Both of these can provide a convenient way to create custom watchlists. Trakt.TV goes even further than that by providing personalized suggestions, so you’ll always have something to watch. You can learn how to use Trakt.TV with Exodus by using the provided link.
When you sign-up for these services and add them to Exodus, you will be able to right-click on any title and add it to your watch. That’s how you can keep this list easily accessible.
Exodus Kodi Addon

New Movies & New Episodes

These two categories bring the recently released (or found) streaming links. In general, this is where you’ll find movies that have recently appeared on the Web. When it comes to TV shows, the ‘New Episodes’ category shows episodes that have been aired a couple of days ago.
Exodus Kodi Addon


At the moment, Exodus tracks fourteen popular TV channels. You won’t be able to watch these live, but instead, you can watch the latest blockbuster that was aired. When you click on any of the available entries, Exodus will scrape the Web and provide dozens of results. Then, you can pick the one you’d like to try out.
Exodus Kodi Addon

Tools & Search

To set up your Trakt.TV and IMDb account, you go to Tools. This is also where you can clear junk files, cache, and reload available providers. In general, this is where you should go if you’re facing technical issues with the Exodus Kodi addon.
Finally, you can always use the Search to find specific titles within this addon.

What’s Next: Additional Resources

Exodus should provide more than enough when it comes to movies and TV shows. However, this doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t have other addons installed. After all, it’s always a good idea to have alternatives.
  • Some of the best alternatives to Exodus are Bennu, Elektra Vault, and Covenant. There are not only the best movie addons, but they can also stream 4K videos via Kodi. We’d also like to recommend our article that deals with the best Exodus alternatives.
  • Now, it’s time to take a look at different types of content. Addons like BoB Unleashed and UK Turk Playlists bring very diversified libraries. For example, you can use these addons to watch documentaries, sports programming, or cartoons;
  • Finally, there are customized and highly powerful builds. When you install a build, you will install a pack of numerous addons – all at once. So, why not take a look at 20+ best Kodi builds.


We hope that the Exodus Kodi addon is treating you right. Have you managed to install it and what do you think about this addon?
Dacă credeți că alți utilizatori Kodi ar putea găsi acest articol pentru a fi de ajutor, de ce să nu îl distribuiți pe Facebook, Twitter și alte rețele sociale? Ca întotdeauna, puteți conta pe secțiunea de comentarii de mai jos pentru a discuta cu echipa editorială a TechNadu. Vom fi bucuroși să vă ajutăm în rezolvarea problemelor tehnice cu Exodus.

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